Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Geography of Coffee

I didn't expect that I would get so far behind in reading and posting this soon. Anyway, I started Homicide, but have not gotten very far, and it is a pretty fat book. It may be the only one I read this month. As, I have mentioned previously, coffee is an important part of the culture in my home. My husband actually teaches a course on the Geography of Coffee and this passage from page 23 seems brings his passion to mind: "His left hand cradles a glass mug in the shape of a globe, filled to the Arctic Circle with brown bile from the very bottom of the coffee pot."

Otherwise, so far I can say this: this book is about a Baltimore that I, fortunately, was pretty unfamiliar with growing up.

1 comment:

  1. We have the globe-shaped mugs, and when first we met, I was famous for a bileous brew. But no more -- Sal at Lavazza has ruined me for bad coffee!
